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Day 1 (Wed 8th) Systematic Methodology for Food / Rural Studies

Section 1 Opening Remarks & Keynote Speeches (1) 开幕致辞及主旨发言,

Chair: Prof. Patrick Chau, Vice-Provost, UNNC,主持人:Patrick Chau教授,宁波诺丁汉大学副校长

09:00-09:20 GMT

17:00-17:20 CST

Welcome & food security in China: theory & policy

Prof. Houkai Wei, Director, Rural Development Institute (RDI), CASS



09:20-09:40 GMT

17:20-17:40 CST

Global food system in transition: Challenges & research opportunities for ECRs

Prof. Shenggen Fan, Dean, Academy of Global Food Economics and Policies, CAU



09:40-10:00 GMT

17:40-18:00 CST

Future Food Beacon across disciplinary & campus boundaries

Prof. David Salt, Director, Future Food Beacon, University of Nottingham (UoN)


David Salt教授,英国诺丁汉大学未来粮食研究主任

Section 2 Good Practices & Research Findings in Systematic Methodology

Chair: Prof. Fengjing Nie, Deputy Director, Centre for International Agriculture Research of CAAS

系统研究方法论的探索与发现, 主持人:聂凤英教授,中国农业科学院海外农业研究中心副主任

10:00-10:10 GMT

18:00-18:10 CST

Building a STB ecosystem for rural sustainability in Liangshan

Prof. Xiyao Wang (SAU) & Prof. Gubo Qi (CAU) 四川凉山农村可持续发展与马铃薯科技小院生态系统建设, 王西瑶教授 (四川农业大学), 齐顾波教授 (中国农业大学)

10:10-10:20 GMT

18:10-18:20 CST

Citizen sciences for food system research in the UK & China中英粮食系统研究中的社区参与, Dr. Christian Reynolds, City University of London (伦敦城市大学)

10:20-11:00 GMT

18:20-19:00 CST

Non staple food crops development for food security in China, WJ Long (CAU)

Knowledge exchange & science-policy-practice interface, WK Wang (Glasgow U)

Socio-economic drivers of nutrition environment nexus, P He (Cardiff U)

Network analysis of food-water-economy nexus, LR Liu (Surrey U)

Coastal hydrology & agricultural transformation, X Yu (Zhongshan U)

Sensory & Consumer Science, Q Yang (UoN)

Impact of reducing food loss on food consumption inequality, X Yang (CASS)

China’s alternative & traditional food networks, R Alcock (Oxford U)

Alternative livelihoods in BRI countries, Y Jin (Yunnan Agriculture U)

Section 3 ECR Group Reports & Roundtable Discussion with Panellist

Chair: Prof. Oliver Morrissey, University of Nottingham & CI of the project

青年学者分组报告及圆桌会议讨论, 主持人:Oliver Morrissey教授,诺丁汉大学,本项目联合申请人

Group Report


11:05-11:20 GMT

19:05-19:20 CST

1: Challenge-oriented research & fieldwork挑战性问题导向的研究设计与田野调查

2: Citizen sciences for food system studies食物系统研究的社区参与问题

3: Publications to address challenges in reality围绕挑战性问题撰写学术文章

Roundtable Discussion



11:20-11:55 GMT

19:20-19:55 CST

Why is challenge-oriented research important for rural studies in global south为什么挑战性问题导向的学术研究对第三世界国家农村发展具有重要意义?

How can systematic perspective contribute to food security/rural sustainability 系统性思考如何贡献于食品安全和农村可持续发展?

By what mechanism can ECR links be developed and enhanced 通过何种方式或机制有助于发展和加强中英两国青年学者间的合作研究网络?


Prof. Mark Talyor, James Hutton Institute 英国詹姆斯·赫顿研究院研究员

Prof. Gubo Qi, China Agricultural University, 农业大学齐顾波教授,

Prof. Meryem Duygun, NUBS, 诺丁汉大学商学院教授

Mr. Jason Feehily, Knowledge Exchange Asia, UoN诺丁汉大学中心杰森·菲利先生

11:55-12:00 GMT

19:55-20:00 CST

Concluding remarks by Bin Wu, PI of the project




Day 2 (Thu 9th) UK-China Collaboration in Agri & Rural Development

Section 4 Opening Ceremony & VIP addressesGlobal Challenges & Policy Responses:

Chair: Prof. Tongquan Sun, Co-PI of the project & Research Fellow, RDI of CASS

国际会议开幕式及VIP致辞  主持人:孙同全教授,中国社科院农发所研究员,本项目联合主持人 

09:00-09:40 GMT

17:00-17:40 CST


5 minutes for
each speaker



Scene setting and summary from Day 1背景简介及第一天会议总结

Dr. Bin Wu, PI of the project 武斌博士,本项目主持人

Opening Address开幕致辞

Prof. Zoe Wilson, Pro-Vice Chancellor of UoN, 诺丁汉大学副校长

Mr. Tim Standbrook, British Consulate General Chongqing英国驻重庆总领事馆

Prof. Colin Campbell, CEO of JHI, 英国詹姆斯·赫顿农科院总裁

Prof. Xiaoyun Li, CAU,中国农业大学国际发展与全球农业学院创始人李小云教授Prof. Martin Lockett, Dean of NUBS China, 宁波诺丁汉大学商学院院长

Prof. Peter Ho, Chair of ICARDC Network中国农业与农村发展国际会议网络主席

Prof. Yu Xiong, Ass. Dean, Surrey University英国萨里大学助理副校长熊榆教授

Section 5 Keynote Speeches (2) & Research Report: UK-China Agri/Rural Innovation Collaboration

Chair: Prof. Simon Mosey, Director, HGI for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, UoN

主旨发言及研究报告, 主持人:Simon Mosey教授,诺丁汉大学海顿·格林创新创业中心主任

09:40-10:00 GMT

17:40-18:00 CST

Challenges of global agriculture & China’s responses: Top 10 questions 全球农业挑战与中国的应对:十个重大问题, Prof. Jules Pretty (Essex University, 埃塞克斯大学) & Prof. Songliang Wang (FAFU,福建农林大学王松良教授)

10:00-10:20 GMT

18:00-18:20 CST

UK-China collaboration for sustainable development in global south: Overview of Newton funded projects中英两国在第三世界国家可持续发展领域的合作前景:牛顿项目概述,Mr. Richard Baker, Newton Fund Strategic Manager(牛顿项目总负责人)

10:20-10:40 GMT

18:20-18:40 CST

Experience & prospect to UK-China agricultural innovation collaboration中英农业创新合作:经验及展望,Prof. Dave Ross, Agri-EPI(英国精准农业中心总裁)

10:40-11:00 GMT

18:40-19:00 CST

UK-China Agri/Rural Innovation Collaboration: Research findings and policy recommendation 中英农业及乡村创新合作:研究发现及政策建议

Dr. Bin Wu, PI of this project (武斌博士,本项目主持人)

Section 6 Roadmaps for UK-China Collaboration: ECR Reports & Roundtable Discussion


Chairs (主持人):

Dr. Robert Wapshott, Associate Dean of NUBS (诺丁汉大学商学院副院长)

Ms. Min Rose, Deputy Director of RKE, UNNC (宁波诺丁汉大学研究与知识交流中心副主任何敏女士)

Group report


11:00-11:15 GMT

19:00-19:15 CST

1: Upgrading Potato STB via ECRs engagement青年学者参与马铃薯科技小院

2: Promoting UK-China rural tourism促进中英乡村旅游合作

3: Facilitating digital entrepreneurship 中英智慧农业/乡村合作

Roundtable Discussion


11:15-11:55 GMT

19:15-19:55 CST

What are resources & opportunities for the bilateral collaboration双边合作的资源及机遇有哪些?

By what mechanisms can ECRs participate & contribute to it 青年学者通过何种机制如何参与、贡献?

How can ECRs & stakeholders work together in the near future 青年学者同利益相关者近期如何开展合作?


Prof. Xiuli Xu, CIDGA of CAU 中国农大国际发展与全球农业学院院长徐秀丽教授

Dr. Hannah Noke, HGI, NUBS 诺丁汉大商学院海顿·格林创新创业中心副主任

Dr. Jonathan Snape, Head of JHL 英国詹姆斯·赫顿公司总经理

Ms. Lisa William, Agri-EPI Centre 英国英国精准农业中心经理

Ms. Xiaomei Liu, Yunhe Centre丹巴登龙云合森林学校执行校长刘晓梅女士

11:55-12:00 GMT

19:55-20:00 CST

Concluding remarks by Bin Wu, PI of this project



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