上午的会议由魏后凯所长主持。来自格拉斯哥大学的王亚平教授分享了《The Changing Nature of Work Units and its Impacts to Urban Development in China》;魏后凯所长分享了《China's Urban and Rural Pattern and Rural Vitalization Plan in 2035》;北京交通大学赵坚教授分享了《The Challenge of Metropolitan Area Development in China》;格拉斯哥大学Anna Gawlewicz博士分享了《Throwntogetherness: Migrant-‘host’ encounters in the East End of Glasgow》;中国社会科学院工业经济研究所吴利学副研究员分享了《City Size and Allocation Efficiency》;谢菲尔德大学陈瑜博士分享了《Parental Migration and Young Migrants’ Wages in Urban China: An Exploratory Analysis》;中国社会科学院城市发展与环境研究所李国庆研究员分享了《The Formation and Revival of State-owned Reclamation Area Shantytowns in Jiangxi Province》。
下午的会议由格拉斯哥大学王亚平教授主持。中国社会科学院城市发展与环境研究所单菁菁研究员分享了《China's Public Housing Policy and Housing Security for Migrant Workers》;谢菲尔德大学Majella Kilkey博士和Aneta Piekut博士分别分享了《Family-Related Migration and Integration in the UK: Recent Debates and Developments》和《Integration as a Multidimensional Concept - Unpacking the Term and Challenges in Measurement》;国务院发展研究中心秦中春研究员分享了《A Rational Way to Implement the Strategy of Rural Vitalization》;谢菲尔德大学王政博士分享了《Neighbourhood Cohesion Under the Influx of Migrants in Shanghai》;中国社会科学院社会发展战略研究院吴莹副研究员分享了《Grassroots Governance in “village-turned-community”: Challenges and Strategies》;格拉斯哥大学王雨博士分享了《The Changing Spatial Distribution and Segregation of Migrants in Chinese Cities, 2000-2010》;中国社会科学院城市发展与环境研究所董昕副研究员分享了《Housing Affordability and Permanent Migration Desire of Rural-Urban Migrants》。
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